I've recently been able to wrestle time away from frantically busy days to pick up Game Development again - it's not the Console game development that's been ongoing for a few years now, no - it's just a simple prototype using PyGame. PyGame is quite a feature rich and mature library, allowing Pythonistas to enter into the world of graphical game development using SDL and OpenGL if they so choose. Using PyGame is incredibly easy, and it takes only a few minutes to get a basic prototype up and running. Performance suffers if one does not read the docs and cache whatever is needed, as memory allocation remains fairly slow on most computers - especially if it's something we end up doing once per frame. I see a need for better instrumentation that could be filled so that we don't have to resort to palour tricks in order to get frame-rate information from the game, as the very act of displaying that information uses up processing power. In my mind, there would be som...
My dearest wife, The world has been so cruel to us. First the world was hateful towards you in your youth, it hated me too in my teens. Next, the world took its sweet time keeping us apart for all those years. When we finally found each other, we were both already well spent from a lifetime of struggle. As if to add insult to injury, we've barely had the shortest decade together and now the world is ending. The world sits on the brink of war, while our beloved homeland sits on the brink of economic collapse and starvation. The sweet fragrance of the flowers of our youth has been replaced with masks as disease ravages our world. No more flowers will bloom when the last bee dies. Through all this, I've found you, and it's been fun. If the world takes me before I can say it: "I don't know what comes next, but I promise to find you in every lifetime. I'm so sorry that you might live this lifetime without me, I'll make it up to you in the next one, pinky swear....